Global Navigation Satellite System

The position at a point on earth surface is given by its latitude and longitude measured from a certain datum. This position along with time information is of great use in mobility of ships in the ocean, transportation of vehicles, agriculture, navigation, and mobile communications. There are many other applications that require positioning information. ThereContinue reading “Global Navigation Satellite System”

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate of an entity is the most important feature of data in GIS and remote sensing. This only can make possible the exact location of each feature expressed by the data. In a simple Cartesian coordinate system there are x axis and y axis intersecting at right angle where the intersecting point is origin. TheContinue reading “Coordinate Systems”

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for GIS

People doing remote sensing and GIS analysis should be grateful for many freely available software around the world and huge numbers of peoples volunteering to develop them. So using FOSS, will not only save your money but these many people in background will solve your problems. An open source application by definition is software thatContinue reading “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for GIS”

Data sources for GIS

Data is one of the key component of GIS. It contains the location along with various other features/attributes. This location information helps to pinpoint its relative position of the data on the earth and be further analyzed with the help of attribute information. These data can be derived from various sources. People can use topographicContinue reading “Data sources for GIS”

Data Models in GIS

A. GIS data types GIS can be thought of as a system of hardware and software wherein geographically referenced data (spatial data) and associated attributes (non-spatial data) can be captured for manipulation, analysis, and modelling to assist and speed up decision making and management task (Joseph and Chockalingam, 2018). This definition mention two basic typesContinue reading “Data Models in GIS”

Landslide Hazard Zonation

The process of landslide hazard mapping requires information regarding the distribution of landslides in space and their temporal history along with the knowledge of factors that contributes in the process of slope failures. The contributing factors includes geology, topography, climatic conditions, geomorphology, land use land cover information, and anthropogenic disturbances of the location of interest.Continue reading “Landslide Hazard Zonation”

Remote Sensing: Introduction

Remote Sensing (RS) is the most prominent technique of collecting information from distance. So collected data are remotely sensed data. It is science of acquiring information about the earth’s surface without actually being in physical contact with the surface. There are various categories of remote sensing starting from observation by naked eyes, photography by camera,Continue reading “Remote Sensing: Introduction”

Geographic Information System: Introduction

GIS stands for Geographical Information System. As the name suggests, GIS is an information system dealing with geographic information. The term “geographic information” is the key word here. Anything which pertains to geography is geographic. Geography is science that studies the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of the Earth (Wikipedia). A literalContinue reading “Geographic Information System: Introduction”

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