Downloading 12.5m DEM (ALOS PALSAR)

Alaska Satellite Facility Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) is very good resource center for providing remote sensing datasets specially SAR data and related products. It have data archives of past 25 years. ALOS PALSAR radiometric terrain corrected (RTC) high resolution (HR) product is one among the SAR data products of ASF. It’s one major component isContinue reading “Downloading 12.5m DEM (ALOS PALSAR)”

Data sources for GIS

Data is one of the key component of GIS. It contains the location along with various other features/attributes. This location information helps to pinpoint its relative position of the data on the earth and be further analyzed with the help of attribute information. These data can be derived from various sources. People can use topographicContinue reading “Data sources for GIS”

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